Buy/sell vintage scooters and parts in the USA
#vespa #lambretta

System message: We are compiling a list of scooter shops (vintage and modern) in the US. To have yours included, please send an email to

The purpose of this site is for sellers and buyers to list items for sale or wanted that are associated with vintage scooters (including, but not limited to, Vespa and Lambretta) in the United States.

This site was started in response to the excessive spam and lack of moderation on the 'other' site. It is the intention of this site to keep it as simple as the other, allowing for anonymous posting. You don't have to make an account to post a listing. This site will be moderated closely, with spam posts deleted within minutes or at the worst a few hours, depending on the time of day they are posted.

Because listings are anonymous, they cannot be edited or deleted by the original poster. If you made a mistake in your listing, post again, stating that this new listing supersedes the old one, and correct the error. It is likely that a moderator will delete the original listing if it is clear that the new one should replace the old one. Once your item has been sold, you can make another post stating as such.

Only listings made in the last 180 days are shown to keep the number of pages down. It assumed that listings older than this are 'stale' and the item is most likely sold.

If you have suggestions on making this site better, or need assistance in some way, send an email to the moderators.

Known Scammers

This is a list of the known scammers or scams that have been seen on this site.
If you get an email from anyone (on this list or not) wanting to buy what you're selling and it looks fishy, or too good to be true, it is. If you have encountered a scammer on this site, or feel that your inclusion in this list is unwarranted, please send an email to the moderators.

Changes v1.9
© 2021-2025
Current server time: 2025-03-12 01:07:24 pm